Sunday, November 4, 2012

The CCI Northeast Region Staff are Exceptional People!!!


     Tuesday was said to be the worst day for Hurricane Sandy.  We lost power around 7:30pm last night.  From our perspective on campus, things don't look too bad.  This morning I saw breaks of blue sky! Yesterday was actually the worst day as far as wind and rain.  The wind was very harsh with its nasty huffs and gusts in the late evening.  We have heard that Manhatten and the coasts of Long Island were totally rocked by Sandy.  I feel for those people, as I can attest how much it sucks to lose power and have your home damaged by Mother Nature.
     The staff held class this afternoon.  Ginormous kudos to them for coming in to help keep our training on schedule as much as possible.  CCI is just as determined to keep the dogs and us graduating as we are!  :o) many of the staff are in the same situation as we are - no power, no hot water and no way to cook.  Unfortunately, some have damage to their properties, yet, here they are, at work, educating us to help improve our lives!
     We worked with the graduate dogs today!  Everyone, including myself, was exceptionally excited at the prospect of getting to work with their future partner.  I worked with my first graduate dog, and we seemed to stumble several times over the commands. As I have very high expectation of myself, from having over thirteen years of experience with dogs and working with them, I was disappointed and bit discouraged.
      Then I worked with a second graduate pup.  Wow did things change.  When the trainer brought the dog over, we locked eyes and seemed to understand each other from the get go.  The dog read me well and I was able to read them as well.  We seemlessly worked commands "wait", "kennel", "heel", "side", and "release" together. Needless to say, my confidence was boosted a bit and I felt better.
     We did not have any lectures today since we did an extra yesterday.  Lots of practice with the commands we learned over the past two days.  Works for me!
     Our power is still out and it has been 24 hours....  Going back to what is mentioned about my luck in an earlier blog?  Lol. A handful of my classmates, the caretaker and I are currently gathered around a radio.  It's nineteen-fifty-what? Yes, we were all excited to be there listening to what is going on in the world.  Lol. We feel a bit isolated however  I feel fortunate to be with such a wonderful and positive group of classmates!

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