Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Saturday, Fun Day!

Saturday!! 120 hours without power and counting!

     I cannot believe I forgot to mention that we went on our first field trip yesterday, to Target.  The trip was short and sweet to help us and the dogs have an experience out in public.  I almost felt like a zoo exhibit as some people would follow us, others would point and most would exclaim, "look at the dogs!"  In all fairness, we did kinda look like a mini parade trying out commands like "under" and "get."  The field trip was fun and very encouraging to both the pup and I that we can survive together in this crazy world!
     This morning we learned the commands of "bed", "fetch" and "light."  My partner and I did very well with the "bed" command which sends the dog to their bed (who doesn't want to lay on a large, thick cushy pillow).  We did stumble on the "light" command where a dog should flick a light-switch up with their nose. My fav kept trying to use the paws to turn the switch off.  Going back to basics will help us both out with this command.  My house has more lamps you have to turn on by hand than light-switches, so I am not to stressed with this particular command.
     I also learned the "pull" command. What a gloriously fun command!  I believe my pup and I both were just as excited to use it.  I would give the command and off we go with my dog pulling my chair with barely any effort on my part.  The whole thing felt like an amusement park ride. The first thought that ran through my mind was the idea of going on a bike ride with my hubby and kids.  My pup trots when he pulls and goes quite quick.  I will also be able to "walk" my kids to and from school sometimes which excites me too!  Learning this a toon was def the highlight of my day.  :o)
     Lecture was about a dog's daily routine.  Since I have lived this particular school of thought for several years, I was good with this particular lecture.  They went over things like toileting activities in relation to how many times a day the dog eats.  They also went over the importance of exercise.
     Our second field trip occurred this afternoon to Loews.  I thought for sure that the place would be jam packed with people fixing their homes and properties.  I was wrong as it was pretty quiet.  Our CCI instructors made lots of loud noise with various carts; we practiced "unders" under the shelves and "ups" on the display counters in the kitchen/bath section.  Our "get" was to pick up a reel refill for a weedwacker.  One distraction the instructors used was this silly Christmas penguin singing Jingle Bells, well, that distracted me into a fit of giggles.  My pup behaved better than I did, lol.
     Tomorrow is our day off.  CCI offered to pay for a hotel room tomorrow night so we can warm up, reconnect to the world a bit, and take a hot shower.  The folks here in the Northeast region have really bent over backwards to keep us as comfy as possible.  I took them up on their offer, I can't wait! My fav pup and I are to Hotel Indigo for Sunday evening!

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