Sunday, November 4, 2012


Howlaween! 10.31.2012

Hmph...  Still no power. It's been 48 hours, stupid Sandy.

     Today entailed our first full day, finally!  CCI has been able to keep us on schedule, I am impressed! The only big change is when we will be prematched with our potential dogs.  This prematch should of occured this morning however due to Sandy keeping some of the trainers away, we will have to wait till tomorrow morning.  An extra 24 hours,  yuck.
     At practice this morning I worked with a third graduate dog.  We learned "behind", "out","under" and "back." My partner and I did fairly well. I am finally using my command voice more consistently.  My time in veterinary medicine has given me the unconscious  habit of using a coddling voice, lol.  We have been lectured about acting like the leader of a wolf pack as this gives our dogs the confidence to follow us and listen to commands more consistently. So, strong voice and sitting straight up in my chair, got it.  At times, i would so much rather be on the floor cuddling all these gorgeous, sweet dogs and snuggling with them.
     Practice this afternoon we learned about "hurry", "ok", "speak" and "quiet."  Of course I worked a fourth different graduate dog.  We did well and another great dog.  The "speak" command was fun and can use the dog's loud voice to alert others if we need help.  My mind keeps returning the graduate pup I was with yesterday afternoon; we connected on such a metaphysical level!  We aren't supposed to become attached to any of these dogs, but there is something about that pup yesterday!
      Our lectures were about canine communication and resistance.  Even this old veterinary tech learned some new things.  I am loving the CCI perspective as they are purveyors of the canine.  All the instructors are a wealth of helpful knowledge as well.  They are also our cheerleaders, always praising us.  Even if they are correcting one of our mistakes, they are firm, but manage to put a positive spin on it.
     Volunteers put on a HUGE lunch spread for us today.  Since it is getting a bit chilly in the building, warm food is just that much better.  When we paraded into the kitchen area, it was all decked out in Halloween paraphernalia. We engorged on ribs, mummy hotdogs, apple cider, chicken fingers, candy, chocolate pudding cake complete with gravestones, cornbread, dipped marshmallows and macaroni salad held in a carved out pumpkin. I wanted to go back to my room and sleep, not attend a practice after!  Lol.
     Amongst my classmates, we have three kids  At five o'clock we had a round of trick or treating  in our dorms.  They were able to go door to door and gather up some goodies.  My husband pointed out this is the first time in 13 years, we have been apart on Halloween.  Yep, I am def missing my family at this point.
     Tomorrow morning cannot come quick enough for me.  I am vibrating with excitement to see which dog the instructors will be prematching me with!  :o)


1 comment:

  1. The above pic is of Odin, dressed this year as a pirate. :o)
