Confidence. We all have some. We are born with it. What we do with it, is our own choice. No one can take confidence away from us. Although, we can let people's interactions affect how confident we feel. We own our confidence, ere go, we can choose to ignore toxic people's put downs, remarks, or actions; and let our confident soar! But, we are our own worst enemy. When our own action, choice, or something we have complete control over, goes haywire... Confidence cannot run away quick enough.
Since my autoimmune disease has affected my legs, causing them not to work the way I need them to, balance is quite a challenge for me. Those of you who know me well, can say that I don't need any help to trip over nothing. I also have a tendency to drop things, a lot. Lack of balance + trying to pick something off the floor = falling down. This falling down thing generally occurs once a week, if not more often. In the past, I have taken diggers out in public. Bu-bye confidence as well as my pride. Over the past few years, I have stayed home unless I was able to bring someone with me.
Enter Fernando, who has walked into my life carrying with him, my new found confidence! Having him with me, Ferno is able to pick up everything I drop. Needless to say, I have not had to contort myself and stress about falling. I have been out of my house accompanied only by my service dog a handful of times and have not fallen. In my house, with Fernando carrying things and picking up dropped objects, me kissing the floor has drastically reduced as well! That makes me wonder if my floor misses me at all?! Lol.
Having a service dog in my life has already changed for the better. Even a command as small as as "get", has made a profound impact on my confidence. My disease had been slowly chipping away at my own confidence, and here is Fernando bringing it back in boulders!
When people ask me what Fernando can do for me, I want to profess that he is here to improve my quality of life, my confidence, and my character. Most want to hear that Fernando can open doors, pull my wheelchair, and turn off lights. Yes, service dogs are considered a tool, in the eyes of the government. Ferno's actions have such a ginormous impact on my well-being. Service animals are not just here for the handlers in a physical sense, but also in an emotional. :o)
As I reflect on this especially lucky day, all i can is that Fernando is "Simply awesome!"